Environmental education is essential to know the threats and impacts suffered by the seas, as well as how to correct and alleviate the immense pressure that humans exert on this environment.
The objective of this innovative activity is to raise awareness and sensitize students and encourage respect and conservation of marine ecosystems.
The environmental education activities of the Almas Marinas Foundation promote some very important purposes:
Practical activity of collecting micro plastics on the sea surface. Plastics are analyzed to try to understand their origin and how to avoid it. The priority of the Almas Marinas Foundation is to reduce the use of plastics and thus prevent them from polluting the seas. We must all influence the sustainable use of plastics and how to reduce their impact. This action aims to stimulate a change in behavior in relation to the use of plastics and acquire responsible consumption habits.
This activity is a didactic game where all students participate. It is a dynamic game that enhances basic knowledge of marine animals, their curiosities and the current problems of impacts on their habitats. It arouses a lot of interest and is also very fun and encourages participants to ask questions about marine fauna. Outdoor activities connect with nature and instill passion for the environment. Students who participate in outdoor activities are more creative.
An activity taught by the Captain of the Falcao Uno. It consists of learning different types of marine knots and basic knowledge of the navigator. It includes learning the basic principles of rigging a boat, as well as some nautical information and advice. It teaches teamwork, history, patience, oceanography, ecology... all in one go. Sailing takes us away from the normal and places us firmly in a natural environment. Participants will become sailors for a day.
Activity taught by the protected marine fauna rescue team of the Palma Aquarium Foundation. A sea turtle or dolphin rescue drill is developed, the protocols that are activated are taught, and how to proceed in this situation. The Almas Marinas Foundation is aware of the benefits that teamwork produces to achieve a common achievement. The collective contribution is much greater than the individual and is also stronger and more solid. That is why group work is encouraged.
An activity that highlights the statistics and threats caused by marine litter, and how to encourage your inner ecology. This activity has two parts, an initial part of information that is acquired through an interactive game and the second part is the self-creation or group creation of ideas, creativity and/or solutions to the impact of everyday plastics on our lives. Teaching recycling promotes values of responsibility, solidarity, empathy with other people and the planet, order and ecological awareness.
This activity involves the help and creativity of boys and girls who have been part of the educational programs of the Almas Marinas Foundation. After having lived your experience with us, we invite you to develop a project that will save lives at sea and will be the solution to the problems of marine pollution. Whether it's a project, a drawing, etc. Let your imagination fly!
Activity information: