Sea Guard Barriers is an engineering project developed, registered and patented by the President of the Almas Marinas Foundation, Carlos Samblás, and the renowned Civil Engineer, Juan José Lemm, founder of the company TP&E Maritime & Civil Engineering.
The intention of its creators is that it can be implemented in the maximum number of torrents and stormwaters that flow into the sea to stop pollution arriving from land.
Due to the problems generated by the arrival of toxic waste, especially plastic, into the sea, they have created a realistic solution to stop all this pollution while providing improved education and awareness.
Sea Guard Barriers is a revolutionary project that has been awarded in the VII Edition of the Timón Innovation Awards awarded by the Gaceta Náutica and the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands.
This fact shows us that it is a great solution that will improve our marine environment without precedent.
Sea Guard Barriers is also a launch vehicle to support and contribute to the Almas Marinas Foundation, since all profits will go to finance educational programs so that groups, institutions and society with fewer resources can be part of the foundation.
At Almas Marinas, we could not be more grateful for launching a project that will solve pollution, and in turn help us carry out more actions.